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SJ Master planning is a consultancy firm based in Surbana Jurong and SAA Architects in Singapore, and B+H and closure. Surbana Jurong provides a full Master Planning
Singapore. The multi-disciplinary team provides SJ’s motto ‘Building Cities, Shaping Lives’ Surbana Jurong Group is one of the largest Architects in Canada. suite of consultancy services across a Backed by an established track record of
diverse range of sectors such as aviation,
holistic solutions for smart urban transformations. reflects its belief to: Asia-based urban, infrastructure and Surbana Jurong’s global talent pool of over healthcare, hospitality, residential, crafting master plans for projects in over
management services consulting firms, 16,000 employees from more than 120 transport, water and environment, energy 30 countries, Surbana Jurong is recognised
SJ global footprint covers all over the world, Create spaces and infrastructure services with around 70 years of track record in offices in over 40 countries worldwide and resources. globally as an established urban planning
across Asia, Africa and the Middle East. where people live, work and play. successful project delivery. includes architects, designers, planners, and design specialist. The master plans
Headquartered in Singapore, Surbana developed by Surbana Jurong shape
Shaping cities into homes with sustainable jobs where engineers and other specialists are driven With a wealth of experience, Surbana
Jurong was formed through the merger of by progressive thinking and creative ideas Jurong has built more than a million communities by focusing on the economic,
communities and businesses can flourish. Surbana International, the building and to help shape a better future. homes in Singapore and developed over social and environmental aspects. Surbana
development arm of Singapore’s Housing 100 industrial parks globally. In addition to Jurong understands, interprets and inspires
Development Board (HDB) and Jurong Surbana Jurong’s technical experts deliver building homes and designing cities that a variety of deliverables to create
International, the technical services arm of best-in-class solutions that cover the are socially, economically and convenient, equitable, healthy, efficient
Singapore’s JTC Corporation. Today, the entire project life cycle from planning and nvironmentally sustainable and also and attractive environments for the
Surbana Jurong Group of companies design, through to delivery and empowering communities to thrive. present and future generations.
SJ Member Companies comprises SMEC and Robert Bird Group in management, and even decommissioning
Australia, Sino Sun in China, AETOS, KTP